19 NOVEMBER 1904, page 30

Sra,—as One Of The Unionist Free-traders Who Ventured To...

in your pages a Parliamentary attitude of friendliness towards the Government so long as Mr. Balfour did not repudiate the Sheffield utterances of October, 1903, I now ask to......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator:1 Sir,—i Enclose A Letter

and declaration which speak for themselves. I shall be glad to receive the names of those who are willing to sign the declaration, and still more glad to hear of any who will......

Rto Tee Eott011 Of The "spectator."] Sir,—the Evidence...

the Merchant Marine Com- mission now sitting in the United States under an Act of Congress approved in April of this year will afford instruc- tion to those of your readers who......