Giovanni Costa. By Olivia Rossetti Agresti. (grant...
net.)—The biography of the distinguished Italian artist, the friend of Mason and Leighton, is largely a history of the liberation of Italy. Before all things Costa was a......
People On Shore To Thank Tl Em For Their Kind
entertainment. We are also told how the Mayor of Scarborough was tossed in a blanket because he assaulted the clergyman who would not read James II.'s declaration for liberty of......
G. P. Watts. By G. K. Chesterton. (duckworth And Co.
2s. net.) —This is a brilliant little book which deals with the spirit of the artist rather than with chronologies and catalogues. Mr. Chesterton writes with great wealth of......
Question : How Does Criticism Affect Our Position As...
? The same topic is treated in the sermon which concludes the volume. In V. Dr. Ryle writes of the Mosaic Cosmogony ; in VI. he takes for his subject the "Element of Compilation......
Many Are The Thrilling Ineidents Recorded In This Book,...
are interspersed with the ordinary daily work of the artist, the subject of the biography. On one occasion Costa was trying to do some "gun running" near the Appian Way, when he......
Old Testament Criticism And The Christian Church, By J. E.
MacFadyen (Hodder and Stoughton, 6s.), treats, in more detail and in an argumentative rather than a persuasive style, of the same subject. The author holds the balance between......
Impressionist Painting. By Wynford Dewhurst. (g. Newnes....
does not add much of importance to the facts and views of M. Mauclair, who has made a special study of Impressionism. In spite of this, it is welcome, for the views are sound......