The Kentish Cob-nut.
To vas Esrroa OP Tam "SPIZCSATOR."1 SrE, — In your review on April 27th of the book recently brought out by Mr. J. Bennett upon Ightham your reviewer pleads for further......
Dr. Francia.
[To TRU EDITOR Or TIM .. EPLCTATOIC1 Suz,—Francia, the Dictator of Paraguay, is probably better known to your readers through Carlyle's essay than others of the great......
Miss Betham-edwards—a Jubilee Testimonial.
ITO Tele EDITOR Op ts. ..seiremse...; Sin,—On behalf of the General Committee, I write to ask the courtesy of your columns to draw attention to the Jubilee Testimonial which is......
Naples Society For The Protection Of Animals.
[To TRY EDITOR OP THY .. EPICTATOR."3 Sue.—I should be very grateful if you would again publish in the Spectator a letter about the Naples Society for the Protection of Animals.......
LORD CROMER (British Agent and Consul-General in Egypt, 1883-1907). PATIENCE, begotten of the farseeing mind, Subduing the strong spirit's inward flame, Is crowned at last.......