18 MAY 1907, Page 16


[To TRY EDITOR OP THY ..EPICTATOR."3 Sue.—I should be very grateful if you would again publish in the Spectator a letter about the Naples Society for the Protection of Animals. Last year its nineteen inspectors had extra animals attached to 26,986 carts, made persons alight from 33,274 overloaded vehicles, and confiscated nearly 30,000 sticks and 400 stakes used for beating, besides 1,302 spiked bits and other instruments of torture. There were 5,162 prosecutions. Several cruel games were prohibited, among others that of trying to strike the head off a live turkey with a stick. At Carrara, where work was started last May, the use of sticks with long nails to goad the oxen hauling the marble has been almost entirely suppressed. At Naples a shelter for lost dogs and cats is to be built. About a hundred maimed or diseased dogs and cats were humanely destroyed last year in the lethal chamber. On the advice of our treasurer, Mr. J. H. Buxton, who has been our most generous benefactor, we are accumulating a small reserve fund, but this has necessitated reducing Our staff of inspectors, which has caused a great increase in the sufferings of the animals, and I earnestly appeal for help, so that while placing the Society on a sound financial basis, we may maintain the usual number of inspectors. His Majesty King Edward, on leaving Naples a few days ago, graciously sent us a second donation of .885, and I hope that many of his loyal subjects will follow his good example; but the smallest contributions will be thankfully received and promptly acknowledged by Miss P. H. Johnston, The Beeches, Carlisle, and by Mr. Leonard B. Hawkeley, 2 Via Vittoria, Naples, Italy.—I am, Sir, etc.,

E. L. M. (Princess) Matz Beans

Naples. (née Mackworth Praed), President.