Norway Passed Through Several Distinct Phases. Prior To...
the Norwegians scoffed at those who spoke of the German danger. What possible excuse could Hitler make for attacking so harmless a country? That was the first phase. The second......
I Wonder Whether That Dead German Officer Who Was So
pleased to stamp the pavements of Oslo without feeling em- barrassed would today walk there with the same conquering assurance? Mr. Lindsay Drummond, that alert publisher, has......
There Are Times When I Regret That The V-campaign, In-
geniously invented by a Luxemburg diplomatist and ably exploited by Colonel Briton and the French broadcasters, should have gained such currency in this Island. We have......
Some Months Ago A Diary Was Found Upon The Body
of a young German officer. He had been in Poland and in Norway. He had visited Oslo. " I have to thank my Fiihrer," he recorded, " that I can now walk the streets of foreign......
Marginal Comment
By HAROLD NICOLSON I MET the other day a citizen of a neutral country who had for two months been travelling through Europe. He had been in Germany and Italy, and had spent much......