17 OCTOBER 1941, Page 10

I wonder whether that dead German officer who was so

pleased to stamp the pavements of Oslo without feeling em- barrassed would today walk there with the same conquering assurance? Mr. Lindsay Drummond, that alert publisher, has conceived the idea of bringing out a series entitled Europe under the Nazis. It contains, or will contain, separate volumes on Holland, Poland, Norway, Belgium and Denmark. The books are well produced and cost only five shillings apiece It is a venture which deserves to be extended and encouraged. Among the more recent publications in this series is a study by Dr. Worm-Muller, Professor of History at Oslo University, entitled Norway Revolts Against the Nazis. Within the short space of one hundred and fifty-two pages the Professor has been able to give us a clear and comprehensive narrative of events. He knew all the protagonists in the drama and was present, before he effected his escape, at many of the crucial debates and controversies. The great value of his book is that he can write dispassionately, even coldly, and that he dis- plays for us this admirable small-scale model of Hitler's New Order in so vivid a manner that we can look down upon it and observe exactly where and why it failed to work. * * * *