Two Journals, One Thoroughly Ministerial, The Other...
foreign policy, put forth dissertations on the state of Switzerland, of such a nature as to have the appearance of indi- cating a British intervention in the turmoils of the......
Sir Robert Peel's Address To The Tam Worth Electors...
a substantive interest. It is composed with painstaking ela- boration, and with a workmanlike skill, displayed in its lucid- ity, its calmness, and its extreme plainness. There......
Dtbates Anb Iprottefings In Varliament.
Cntinco-ErePAkitott. In the Hosts, of Commons, on Tneedey, Lord Jonx RUSSELL moved the wend reading of the Bishopric of Manchester Bill; which recites the expediency of opting......
The Great Trial In France Has Terminated In An Explosion,
for which even the strange history had not prepared the public : the truant M. Pellapra had sent in documents unequivocally estab- lishing the guilt of M. Teste : on retiring......