Sir Robert Peel's address to the Tam worth electors possesses
a substantive interest. It is composed with painstaking ela- boration, and with a workmanlike skill, displayed in its lucid- ity, its calmness, and its extreme plainness. There is no appear- ance of straining for effect, no effort at persuasion ; the writer seems to be simply reciting facts, and leaving facts alone to speak for him. In asking the suffrages of his constituents, he recounts the successful administration of their representative—the leading man in the empire. But the address also indicates several things which it interests the public to know. Sir Robert speaks with the manner of a man absolutely disengaged from official and party connexions ; of one who takes no unhopeful view of public affairs ; of one emancipated from the thraldom of placeholdiw but not unprepared to aid in the practical labour of improvt- Xnent. His address betrays no flinching : all his discretion p there, but also all his firmness, and all his real boldness. He will, as heretofore, move deliberately; but he does not abate his tone to evade prejudices. His motto is still "forward."