16 JANUARY 1959, page 18

Committal Proceedings

SIR.—Pharos has dealt with two advantages of com- mittal proceedings before magistrates, namely to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to put an accused on trial and......

Middle East Mythology

SIR,—Further to Ian Gilmour's recent article on the Middle East, may I ask you to examine the two following propositions? Proposition A Nasser = Suez Fiasco; Suez Fiasco =......

The Fuss About `lolita'

SIR,—The Spectator rightly from time to time casti- gates those journals and writers whose output might be termed pornographic. During the past few weeks many of your readers......


The Church Of England And Divorce Sir,—mr. Weir Must Not

evade the question, as he does in his letter of January 9, written with that courtesy and charm for which he is well known. To recapitulate. Mr. Weir has asserted that there has......

Letters To The Editor

Livin g Amon g Asians David Morris Committal Proceedin g s 'Prima Facie' The Church of En g land and Divorce Rev. Dr. Paul A. Welsby Middle East Mytholo g y Stafford Campbell......