The Clergy And Vivisection.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—In your leading article in yesterday's Spectator on "The Oxford Vivisection Vote," you notice, apparently with surprise, the absence......
Letters To The Editor.
SCIENTIFIC FREEDOM. 1.10 THE EDITOR OP THY " SPEOTAT0141 Sra—The Times, the other day, called those who opposed the late vote for the physiological laboratory at Oxford, " well-......
[to Tee Editor Op The " Spectator." J Sie,—is Not
this the false thought that is at the root of the apathy of the Clergy on the question of Vivisection P—a man feels that there is a certain price that it would be immoral for......
An English Catholic On Ireland.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sts,—I thank you much for giving farther publicity to the question I discussed in the Weekly Register, and for bringing before another and......