Reform Meetings.—the Great Meeting Of The County Of War-...
was held on Thursday, last week, in the county town of Warwick. It was attended by fifteen thousand persons, including many of the principal gentlemen of the county. Two......
The Old Bailey Sessions Have Closed, Without Furnishing...
of novelty or interest. REC ORD E R'S RE POR T.—The report was made on Wednesday. There are at present, under sentence of death, in Newgate twenty-seven per- sons, two of them......
Compensations To The Commissioners Of Bankrupts, Under...
the Lord Chancellor recently introduced ; but it was objected to the mo- tion, that it would be imprudent to send objections to the House of Lords without properly considering......
The King And His Court.--their Majesties Came To Town On
Monday. On Tuesday the King gave a splendid dinner to the Knights Grand Crosses of the Bath, civil and military. Fifty - four covers were laid, and forty - six of the......