REFORM MEETINGS.—The great meeting of the county of War- wick
was held on Thursday, last week, in the county town of Warwick. It was attended by fifteen thousand persons, including many of the principal gentlemen of the county. Two thousand; members of the Birmingham Political Union came by the canal, in six boats, with banners flying, and music : they were met by the Political Societies of Warwick and Coventry at the entrance of the town, and the three Societies then formed into files, and proceeded to the market-place, the music playing " God save the King." On the motion that the county members be requested to present the Petition to the House tif Commons, Mr. Joseph Parkes came forward, and said, that before this motion was put to the meeting, he deemed it an imperative duty, however humble his station as a freeholder, to- require from the county members a plain and unequivocal declaration of their sentiments, and intended future votes, on the great principles of the Reform Bills. Mr. Parkes did not desire to assume any right of interro- gation, belonging only to him as a constituent, with candidates on the hustings; he acknowledged the right of representatives, when elected, to vote independently and uncontrolled. But admitting this right, be must, nevertheless, claim the right of• knowing the opinions of their members on a petition about to be committed to their presentation. In this sense lie sought an explanation of their intended votes. The ques- tions he now put, were—" Will you, Mr. Lawley and Mr. Dugdale, vote in Committee for schedule A and B in the English Reform Bill ; the first schedule disfranchising entirely sixty decayed boroughs ; the Second schedule disfranchising one member in forty-six boroughs?" (Loud cheers, and cries of" That is the point.") Mr. Lawley appealed to his general political opinions—to the consistency of his votes on Reform ; and Claiming credit for those, he unequivocally declared, in a frank and manly Speech, that though differing on some points of detail in the Bill, he should Support the two broad principles of disfranchisement, and transfer of the iranchise, stated to him by Mr. Parkes. ( Loud cheers followed this *Zara- lion.) Mr. Dugdale next presented himself. to the meeting ; and in general words, declared his assent to the Ministerial Reform Bills, but at the
same time his doubts and difference on some points. Mr. Parkes again came forward, and said, that he desired a more specific explanation. Mr. Lawley here intimated that he thought Mr. Dugdale's explanation
plain and satisfactory. (Loud cries of " No, no, Mr. Lawley.") Mr. Parkes then resumed : He begged pardon of the honourable Member, Mr. Lawley ; he was perfectly satisfied with that gentleman's explana- tion, but Mr. Dugdale's was not specific. Not wishing to make any invidious distinction, he must say, that he did consider 31r. Lawley a real representative of the opinions of the county ; but it was not usual at an English public meeting for one member to answer for another. The times were momentous—the question critical ; it was his duty-to obtain a full and plain declaration, and he hoped his manner and mode were not offensive or illiberal. He must read over another page of the political catechism to Mr. Dugdale. (Lout cheers.) Be repeated to that honourable member, " Here is the printed copy of the Bill ; of the two schedules A and B, will you, Mr. Dugdale, or not, attend and vote in committee for those parts of the English Mform Bill ? say ave, or no." (Loud and continued clie,Ting front usc iaceting.) Mr. Dugdzae, in reply, unequivocally answered, that he had no hesitation in pledging himself to support those parts of the Ministerial measures ; he had only doubts on the expediency of reducing the members of the House, and of decreasing the relative proportion of the English representation. (Ladd cheering, and cries of " Well, then you will do.") Mr. Parkes then stated his perfect satisfaction with the answers, and that he cordially united in committing the petitions to the care of the two county members. Much amusement prevailed while this catechism was administered.
SussEx.—Lord George Lennox will be returned. we believe, without opposition, in room of Mr. Burrell, who died cm Thursday, last week. Lord Surrey, at one time, meant to contest the comity, but he has with drawn.
NORTHAMPTON COUNTY MEETING.—All attempt was made to pre- vail on the Sheriff, a very young and inexrerienced =In, only twenty- two years of age, to dissolve the meeting of tl:is county, by creating riot in the County-hall. It was defeated, and the freeholders adjourned to the market-place ; where they were addressed by Lord Milton, and several other noblemen and gentlemen, and resolutions in favour of the Bill unanimously passed. This is the twenty-fourth English county that has so declared itself.
MainoN OUT-VOTERS.—At a numerous and most respectable meeting of the out-voters of 'Mahlon, held on Monday at the Civu n and Cushion,
London Wall, resolutions were unanimously passed declaring their per- feet approbation of the Reform Bill. Mr. Onyon, who moved the reso- lutions, called on his fellow-burgesses to put aside all personal.conside- rations, and give their hearty support to the Ministerial measure. He hoped their conduct would thus become a precedent to others similarly situated. The resolutions were seconded by Mr. Hunter, the Common• Councilman. The petitions to the two Houses were to be intrusted to the care of Lord Brougham, and the excellent member for Maldon, Mr: Lennard ;- the address to the King to be given in charge to Earl Grey.
THE DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND'S " CO MMISSTON."—Ilis Grace's petition against Reform has failed at North Shields ; it obtained in three days only one hundred signatures and marks. The Mayor signed it because he had signed the Reform petition; and he wished to act fair by both sides. The farmers who signed the reform petition at Glindon said they could-not sign the Duke's also, but they would make. their wives sign it.
SUMMARY OF REFORM Permoss.—Petitions presented to the House of Lords on the subject of Parliamentary Reform, between the 16th Novem-
ber 1830,-and 31st March 1831: 1. Universal suffrage, vote by ballot, and annual Parliaments 17 2. Extension of elective franchise, vote by ballot, triennial Parliaments 38 Universal suffrage, and ditto 6 3. Duration of Parliaments shortened, extension of elective franchise, and vote by ballot 30-
Ditto, and complaining of taxation 12
Ditto, and universal suffrage 5 N.B.—Two petitions for Triennial Parliaments, No. 7.
4. Complaints of taxation, public expenditure, abolition of sinecures, reform in
66 16 1 95 5 86 3 9 133 Other reform petitions 314-481 In addition to the above, since the introduction of the Reform Bills into the House of Commons, there have been 493 petitions presented to the House, praying, that should they come under the consideration of their Lordships, they might be passed.
the representation, economy, 8.m
Ditto, and vote by ballot Ditto.... Ditto, and universal suffrage 5. Reform in the House of Commons, and extension of elective franchise Ditto, and vote by ballot Ditto, and in Scotch burghs...... Ditto, and vote by ballot... C. filiscellaneous, for reform, reduction ift different taxes . Ditto, with vote by ballot 33 Ditto, universal snffrage 5 7. Church property to be appropriated to the exigencies of the State.... 8 Ditto, and vote by ballot,. 1 Ditto, and triennial Parliaments S. For extension of the Galway elective franchise to Roman Catholics 9. Places praying to be represented . .
Total Total praying for universal suffrage and vote by ballot Total praying for vote by ballot 2 24 24 481 34