15 MAY 1964, page 7

Spectator's Notebook

BIDAULT some little time ago entered this country with a passport genuine in all respects ex- cept that it was made out in another name. The Estimates Committee of the House of......

Maltese Crosses

y CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS Who won the vote? 'I,' said Olivier, 'you've only to note Four voted for me for three who opposed it. Who then, I would ask, could not have supposed it But......

Notes On Integration

From ARNOLD BEICHMAN T HE sixteen-year-old son of some friends of mine returned a few weeks ago from a school party ecstatic—his first crush. She was a Negro girl, he told his......

Victory For Caroline So The Pirate Ship Stays. Excellent....

victory against the Nursemaid State. Naturally the Labour Party wanted to stop people listening to what they choose to, but it passes compre- hension how Mr. Bevins thought he......

Please Go Away Olga Franklin Is An Experienced...

she must forgive me expressing mild sur- prise at her riposte to Randolph Churchill's assault on the press treatment of Mr. Greville Wynne. 'If there had been any indication,'......

No Gunfire : No Troops `i Intend To March My

troops towards the sound of gunfire.' In the general derision of Mr. Grimond's adolescent bombast last autumn, no one noticed haw subtle he had been in selecting the word......

Looking At Rembrandt Looking At Rembrandt

Two things surprise me about the National Gallery's new Rembrandt, Belshazzar's Feast. The first is the frame which the Gallery gave it temporarily and are now thinking of......

Two New Books In The Right-angle Series Are Published At

six shillings each by Michael Joseph. Peter Goldman writes on the Welfare State and Philip Goodhart (in The Shadow of the Sword) deals with the whole range of over- seas......