Two new books in the Right-Angle series are Published at
six shillings each by Michael Joseph. Peter Goldman writes on the Welfare State and Philip Goodhart (in The Shadow of the Sword) deals with the whole range of over- seas policies. Goldman's book (perhaps because of the Song of Quoodle) reminds me of a bride's adorning: 'Something old, something new, some- thing borrowed, something blue.' Goldman's con- tributions to modern Tory thought are unmatched, and it remains a tragedy that he is not in the House of Commons. I see that he advocates the sort of Tory reform of the National Insurance scheme which has been linked with the names of Powell and myself. This, and Tom Utley's recent article in the Daily Tele- graph, encourage the belief that some such ideas might yet find a place in the Tory October elec- tion manifesto. There is at least one argument in their favour. They would win votes.
Goodhart's book is a miracle of compression. There isn't a wasted word, and he writes with clarity and with understanding. He is a member of the One Nation Group and has packed more and more varied experience of overseas affairs into a few years than almost anyone else. Both books are 'must' reading for Tories.