14 MAY 1831, page 8
Missionary Society.—the London Missionary Society Held...
at Exeter hail; William Hankey, Esq. in the chair. The gross receipts of the society, it appeared from the report, amount to 40,8001.; the balance in the treasurer's hands, 52/.......
" South Street, 13th May 1831.
"My Lord—In my letter of the 4th inst. I had the honour of conveying to your Lordship the expression of lliB Majesty's wish that the preparatictaS to receive him should be......
County Of Clare.—in Addition To The Election Rows At Present
going on there, this miserable district still continues subject to all the horrors of civil warfare. The example of such men as the Messrs. Mahon seems to be most faithfully......