The Italian Opera.
PASTA has returned to the scene of her former triumphs, with t powers undiminished and a reputation unfaded. She is all that she was when she left us—the mistress of the highest......
Mr. T. Philipps's Lecture.
MR. T. PHILIPPS (whose late excellent Musical Lectures at the Royal Academy of Music, the overwhelming claims of public afthirs prevented its front recording) delivered a......
Six T H Philharmonic Concert.
IT is impossible to witt,. hold from the Directors the praise of having displayed good taste in tt;e scheme of the concert of last Monday. pervading it S two gmeat features The......
Augustus Lapontaine.—this Illost Fruitful Of Modern...
Halle, in Saxony, on the 20th ult, in the seventy-first year of his age. He was born at Brunswick, studied divinity in the first instance, and then undertook the education of......
Royal Society.
May 12, 1831. His Royal Highness the Dvxv. of Sosszx, President, in the Chair. Captain George William Manhy, of Yarmouth, was elected, a Fellow of the Royal Society. John Edward......
Geological Society.
Wednesday, May 11th, 1831. RODERICK IMPEY MURCHISON, Esq. President, in the Chair. William Richardson, Esq. M.A. of Bedford Road, was elected a Fellow of this Society. The......