THE GLOUCESTER MUSICAL FESTIVAL. IF not financially considered completely successful, the late festival has so nearly achieved that point, and has done such credit to the......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 13111 May, at Karori, near Wellington, New Zealand, the Lady of Mr. Justice CHAPMAN, of a son. On the 3d October, at Lewes, the Wife of the Rev. WILLIAM EDWARD......
Commercial Gazette. Tuesday, Oct. 8.
PARTNERsilIPS DrssOLVED. Storey and Co. Liverpool, ship-chandlers—Win,pear uud Co. Liverpool, shipsMitha — A. and J. Burt-ti,. Skinner Street, furniture-dealers—Kenyon and Orme.......
Military Gazette.
WAR-OFFICE, Oct. 8.-6th Drags.—Capt. the Hon. H. Crichton to be Major, by pure chase, vice Wollaston, who retires ; Lieut. H. J. Denny to be Capt. by purchase. vice Crichton ;......