On the 13111 May, at Karori, near Wellington, New Zealand, the Lady of Mr. Justice CHAPMAN, of a son.
On the 3d October, at Lewes, the Wife of the Rev. WILLIAM EDWARD ALLFREB, Rector of Southease, of a datighter• On the 34. at Montreal, Serenuaks, Kent, the Viscountess Homexsnar.x. of a sou. On the 5th, at the Vicarage of East Brent, Stmersetshire, the lieu. Mrs. Wimeald ToWRY Low, of a daughter.
On the 6th, at Haversharn House, near Miluthorpe, the Lady of GEORGE EDWARD WriSuN, Esq., of a daughter.
On the 711i, at Glevering, the Lady Ifueereneriel.D, of a daughter. Ou the 8th, iu Grosvenor Square, Lady Wisenearox, of a daughter.
On the 2d, at Skentlleby Church, JOHN BALLETT FLETCHER, Esq., of Woodthorpe, Lincolnshire, and Pagliam, Sussex. to SARAH VERE, youngest daughter of Jose Hue- LAND, Esq., or Skenilleby Thorpe, Liucolitshire.
On the 4th. at Westerham, ALBERT, fourth son of Sir JOHN HENRY PELLE, Bart., of Upton, Essex, to BARBARA ELLEN, eldest surviving daughter of the Rev. THOMAS STREATFIELD, of Chartsmige, Kent.
On the 5th, at St. Marylebette Church, RICHARD Parer. Esq., of Ilighfields Park, Withyliam, Sussex, to EMILY, daughter of Thomas Joule BURGoVNE, Esq., of Stratford Piece.
On the Sill at Aldstonc Moor, the. Rev. °envies James, A.M., to JANE KATHERINE HELEN, eldest daughter of the late Captain BOWL'S?, R.A. On the 9th. at St. George's, Hanover Square, having been previously married in France according to the rites of the Catholic Church, II. Astros, Esq., eldest son of the late John Ashton. Esq., of the Grange. Cheshire, to MitHe11101Selle CLEMENT DE LA Berneuee, Department de la Loire Inferieure, France, and niece to the late Marshal Jourdan.
On the 101.11, at St. Luke's, Norwood, Surrey. GEORGE HANSARD, Esq., of Lincoln's Lau', Inn, Barrister-at.La, and youugest son of James Hansard, Esq., of Hendon, Middle- sex, to AMELIA, eldest daughter of NATHANIEL HAND°, Esq., of the former place.
On the 25th June. at Mliew, in the East Indies, Emmen GEORGE Nrcotav, Esq., late a Captain of her Majesty's Twenty-ninth Regiment, and last surviving son of the late Licateutint-General Sir Wlilkim Nieolay,
On the 4111 August, ta Alunedungger, FREDERICK AUSTIN RICHARDSON, Esq.. Assist- alit Surgeon to the Hon. East India Company, last surviving son of Major Richardson,. Creswell Park. Blackheath ; in his 26th year. On the 12th, at Bangalore, Captain JoHN W. Bantu, Fifteenth Hussars, son of the late Dr. Baird, of the Hen. East India Company's Service, Bombay.
On the 12th. at Madras, Ilesmisera. Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel HENRY MOBERLY ; in her 51st year.
On the 4th October, Lieutenant Joust LEWIS, Forty-eighth_Regiment Madras Native Infautry, only son of the late Rear-Admiral Lewis.
On the 5t11, at Ormeau, the Marquis of DONEGAL ; in his 76th year.
On the 51h. at the Grove, Holloway. MARIA MARdARET, Wife of B. P. CAPPER, Esq., many years Superintendent of Aliens, Whitehall ; in her 67th year.
On the 5t11. in Tonbridge Street, New Road, Mr. WILLIAM MITTMAN, the Chinese and Oriental scholar.
On the Ott,, at Dublin, Lady Herreseray.
On the 6t11, at Brighton, Lady Harrea, the Wife of Sir George Hayter, Principal Painter in Ordinary to her Majesty.
Ou the 7th. at Upminster Halt. Essex. CHAMPION EDWARD BRANFILL, Esq., late Cap- tain in the Third or King's Owu Dragoons, and for many years Deputy-Lieutenant and a Magistrate of the county ; in his 55th year.
Ou the Stir, at Ampthill Cottage, Bedfordshire, Mr. DAVID M'Iatucenaer ; in his 91st year.
Ou the 8th, JOHN H. Junsosjunior. Esq., surgeon. Ware, Herts; in his 40th year. On the 9t11, in Grosvenor Street. the Very Rev. ROBERT HODGSON, D.D., Dean of Carlisle, and Rector of St. George's, Hanover Square.
On the 10th, iu Finsbury Circus, the Rev. JOSIAH Priam B.D., Vicar of St. Stephen's, Coleman Street, and formerly for many years Secretary to the Church. alissionary Society ; in his 76t1r year.