Sir: Mr Tom Sutcliffe (May 5) states that homosexuals in the Church of England are most likely to be found in what he chooses to call the ' lace and smells' belt. If by this......
Printing Troubles
Sir: Their fellow journalists must be giggling with gusto at the expense of John Rowan Wilson and Pamela Vandyke Price whose respective columns in The Spectator of May 5......
Sir: Thank you for printing my letter (May 5). The last two words of it should read 'aborted foetuses' not ' aborted features.' Thomas W. Gadd Alexandra Court, Woodborough Road,......
National Trust
Sir: I should like to point out that even if Mr Humphries's criticisms (Apri1 . 28) of the Worcester-Malvern Centre are justified, the National Trust cannot be held responsible.......
Sir: If the Republicans were guilty of bugging the Democrats, the Democrats had only themselves to blame. When I switch on my electric toaster my wife cannot hear the wireless.......
The Guards' Approach
Sir: 1 agree with much of what John Keegan has written in his fascinating review of Alex (April 21). But I do not think that Field-Marshal Earl Alexander would ever have put his......
Birds In Bushes
From Dr Dennis Mollison Sir: I don't think A. L. Rowse should go in for soft pornography masquerad ing as literary history in your columns (I refer to the article on Mary Fitton......