12 MAY 1838, page 9


• SATURDAY. The House of Commons sat till half-past one this morning; but as most of the time was devoted to the consideration of the Benefices Plurality Bill in Committee, the......

Scotland. The Aberdeen Bank Was Plundered, On Saturday...

Sunday morning, of notes to the amount of 20,0001. by persons who bad con- cealed themselves, as is supposed, on the premises. A woman named Jeffrey is now waiting in Glasgow......

Mr. Borthwick And Mr. Rushout Had A Hostile Meeting On

Tuesday evening; the authorized account of which is given as follows by Cap- tain Biddulph, Mr. Rushout's second. Windsor, Stay 911i. "Mr. Rudiout, M.P., having called on Mr.......

East India Shipping.

Arrived-01f Penzance May 9th, Doke of Bedford, Bowen , from ltemol. At ';t. Arleen, precious to 15th ' March, Princess Ciroldtie; and Unini”, Kin:LS[111H Bola h' r; Holmes ; and......


We understand from the best authority, that, with a view to obviate the injury likely to be sustained by trade in the Metropolis from the Coalition taking place at the early......

Fifty-two Clergymen In Derbyshire Have Presented A...

Archbishop of Canterbury, expressing strong disapprobation of the Denefires Plurality Bill. They state, t h at there are five thousand benefices now held in plurality, of which......

Several Private Races Have Taken Place, Within The Last Few

days, in the Bois do Boulogne. One of the best was between au Antbiati and a thorough-bred English horse ; the latter, which belonged to M. de Calvielve, coming off winner. A......

The Hull Election Committee Met Fur The Last Time On

Monday. Mr. Hill stated the result of an arrangement between the contending parties- " The Committee leaving decided that tire lists of objected voters on both sides are......

In The Norwich Election Committee, Yesterday, An...

into which will result in the substitution of the Liberal and unsuccessful candidate, Mr. Benjamin Smith, fur Mr. Scarlett, the Tory sitting Member. Both parties exhibited......

Money Market.

Snout Exco•NOR, FRIDAY Arreale00)f. The English Stock Markets have all imploved. The rise in the Three per Cent. Stocks has been about 7 . ; per cent., and that in the......