Several private races have taken place, within the last few
days, in the Bois do Boulogne. One of the best was between au Antbiati and a thorough-bred English horse ; the latter, which belonged to M. de Calvielve, coming off winner. A potty race, between Count de La- rochefoueault and Mr. Wellesley, has been won by the latter.
It is said that a detachment of the band of Cabanero has captured, on the road to Calatayud, a very beautiful assortment of fashionable novelties, sent from Paris to Queen Christina, and which cost 30,000 francs. The news of this capture has greatly vexed the Queen Regent, and a person has been sent to treat with Cahanero for the purchase of these articles. It is very probable that the Cailist chief will give them up for is sum of money, for they are articles of no use except to a ledy.-Journal des Dads.