Restful Easy Chairs,
which are designed and manufactured with a view to affording the Greatest possible Ease and Comfort. They are manufactured in HAMPTONS' own workshops from only the best......
J. H. Davies, Registrar. J. H. Davies, Registrar.
DENDLETON HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, MAN- CHESTER.—WANTED in January FORM MISTRESS able to teach History and some Mathematics or Latin. Training or Experience and Degree (or......
Applications, With References And Copies Of Not More Than...
Testi- monials, to be sent to me at the Education Offices, 92 Nortbgate Street, Chester, on or before Friday, the 17th November proximo. A. E. LOVELL, Director of Education and......
Quarter-page (half.column) 3 3 0 Quarter Narrow Column 1 1
0 Column, two-thirds width of page, £8 fis. COMPANIES. Outside Page £16 16 01 Inside Page £1414 0 Five lines (45 words) and under in broad column (half-width), 5s ; and la a......
Premiums. — The Rates Of Premium Are Determined According...
classes of risks, and services of skilled surveyors are always available to inspect risks, to quote premiums, and to assist the public in arranging their insurances. Policy......
St. Andrews School For Girls Company, Limited. St...
(ST KATHABINES), ST ANDRE WS.—For Girls from seven to fourteen. The climate of St Andrews is considered eminently suitable for children from India and the Colonies, and special......
Promiums.—the Rates Of Premium Charged Will Be Found...
average - rates of British offices, both for with-profit and without-profit business. Expenses. — The total annual expenses, including commission, charged to the Life Department......
R Oedean School For Girls, Brighton.— A. Founder's...
competed for in June, 1906. The value is such as to reduce all expenses for board, laundry, and tuition to £30 a year.—For particulars of the Examination, apply to Miss WRAITH,......