[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
Stn,—On September 9th my wife and I drove to see the Etruscan tombs on the hill over against Orvieto (not the Necropolis Mancini). We were accompanied by a guide. After a time......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator:1
SIR,—In the Spectator of October 28th appears a eulogistic poem by Mr. F. Edmund Garrett on the deeds of the Johannesburg " Outlanders " (Imperial Light Horse) at Elandslaagte,......
[to The Ed/tor Of The " Spectator."]
Sin,—The attention of the public has during the last few weeks been again drawn to the great scarcity of employment in West Ham, and to the distress which accompanies it. How......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator. " ] Sir, — Those Of Your
readers who consider that the attack upon the classics is often one-sided will applaud the courage of the writer in your last issue in openly suggesting what the advocates of......
15 0 The Editor Of The " Spectator:1 Sir,—i Have Just
read your very interesting article on Cambridge House in the Spectator of November 4th, and I confess that I am not very much surprised to hear that the Mission is in want of......
[to The Editor Op The " Sprotator."]
SIR, —In your review of the Life of Haydon by Mr. G. Pesten in last week's issue you say of his paintings that " they are worth recovery, if recovery be possible, for the mere......