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Jaures, the French Socialist, has wavered for some time in

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accepting the advanced creed of the anti-militarists. His hesitation was to his credit, as M. Herve, the rival leader, was visibly attracting disciples to himself all the time...

King Leopold has delivered a startling counterstroke to the projects

The Spectator

of reform on the Congo. At the moment when a Commission representing the Belgian Parliament and the Congo Free State is considering the terms on which the pro- posed annexation...

On Wednesday General Drude carried out a successful attack on

The Spectator

the chief Arab camp near Casa Blanca. The village of Teddert was burnt and the Arabs put to flight. The Times special correspondent says that the French troops were divided into...

The Times of Thursday publishes the second of two informing

The Spectator

articles on Meiico. The writer pays a remark- able tribute to the President, General Porfirio Diaz. Within twenty-three years the President has turned Mexico into an orderly and...

That racial animosity exists in British Columbia we are not

The Spectator

prepared to deny, but there seems little doubt that the Vancouver disturbances were instigated and organised by the American Labour leaders who recently engineered a similar...


The Spectator

91HE anti-Asiatic agitation on the Pacific Coast has spread to British Columbia, and a serious disturbance took place at Vancouver on Saturday night and Monday last. After a...

IV The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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The Palma Trophy was won on Saturday last at Ottawa

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by the United States rifle team. They made forty-one points more than the Canadian team, who were second ; but all the teams made higher scores than any previous winner. The...

While dealing with the subject of old-age pensions we feel

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bound to express our regret at the feebleness displayed by the bulk of the Unionist Press in their treatment of the question. The Daily Mail, however, in its . issue of Thursday...

The Times of Friday publishes details of the more important

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portions of the new Australian tariff, which was to come into force on the 9th of last month. The tariff is a scheme for greatly increased Protection, and, as is already known,...

The British Committee who are inquiring into the Swiss military

The Spectator

system—a Committee arranged for by the National Service League—have during the past week been very active. On Wednesday they were present at the close of the "grand manoeuvres "...

Before the Trade-Union Congress broke up on Saturday last it

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passed a resolution, on the motion of Mr. Barnes, to the following effect:— "In view of the fact that the question of old-age pensions has been prominently before the country...

We do not wish to reargue the question here, but

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it is worth noting that in order to accomplish a scheme Of this kind it will be necessary to raise at least forty, or probably forty-five, millions a year. We venture to say...

Mr. Haldane, speaking at a garden party at Abernethy last

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Saturday, dealt with the achievements and prospects of the Liberal Party. Since Parliament had been prorogued they had been counting up the harvest and saw no reason for dis-...

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The decline in the purchasing power of the sovereign in

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the last twelve years is strikingly illustrated by a comparative table published in Thursday's Daily Mail. Sixteen articles in everyday use—including bread, milk, tea, sugar,...

The Trade Returns for August, issued last Saturday, con- tinue

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to show Very satisfactory results. As compared with August, 1906, imports rose by £407,000 and exports by 13,862,660, while for the eight months ending with August the rise has...

- The Times of Saturday last contains an exceedingly interest-

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ing article entitled "Mission Work in China," by Lord William Cecil. Lord William went to China as a delegate from missionary societies here in order to inquire into the civil...

During the week the public has been greatly excited by

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the maiden voyage of the Lusitania,' the Cunard Company's huge turbine steamer. Though the weather bus been rough, practically none of the inhabitants of the floating town—for...

Mgr. Jarlin, of Peking, quoted to Lord William the saying

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of a Chinese gentleman : "Before 1900 every Chinaman was convinced that he was superior to a European ; after 1900 every Chinaman is convinced that he is inferior." This was...

On Tuesday the new Army airship, or steerable balloon, made

The Spectator

a successful first appearance at Farnborough. It rose four or five hundred feet, and travelled about a mile and a half, being all the time quite under the control of the rudder....

In the Journal des Debuts M. Maspero, the well-known French

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Egyptologist, has given an interesting account of the recent discovery of lost writings of Menander. The die. covert' of the papyri was made by M. Gustave Lefebvre about fifteen...

Dank Rate, 41 per cent., changed from 4 per cent.

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Aug. 15th. Consols (21,-) were on Friday 821—on Friday Week 811.

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T HE social philosopher who declared that friendships were like buildings and machinery, and needed to be kept in repair to be really efficient, might have gone on to apply his...

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TOPICS OF THE DAY THE COLLISION OF THE COLOURS. T HE burden on the statesmen of Europe grows heavier year by year. They have hardly begun to be wearied by the new demand of the...

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I T is with no small reluctance that we touch the contro- versy that has arisen over the Deceased Wife's Sister Act, for we are profoundly convinced that the continuance of such...

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I F it should occur to an essayist of the future to write a history of the Strand, he would find some curious material in the polite collisions between the London County Council...


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I% ING LEOPOLD is absolutely insusceptible to public opinion. His latest move in his tenacious struggle to keep for himself the inglorious profits of the Royal preserves of...

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THE best part of history is the part written by the spade. When the first man was turned out of Eden he started digging, and the early narrators of the story seem to have...

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W E build oar houses for ourselves and our friends, and we plant our gardens for ourselves and our friends. It is natural, therefore, that both in our houses and our gardens we...

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TI ATE harvests are more often than not gathered in doubt and anxiety, under cloudy skies between days of rain. But it happens sometimes, as it happened this year, that a late...

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MR. PARES AND DR. DILLON. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.' SIR,—A personal attack covering nearly two columns of the Spectator (August 24th) requires some answer. Besides,...

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[To TIM EDITOR OF TUN "sescrATon."1 SIR,—I read in your

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issue Of August 24th a letter from Dr. Dillon in which he made certain statements about Mr. Bernard Pares and his work in Russia. I am in a position to question these...


The Spectator

(TO TDB EDITOR OF TILE "SPICOTILTOR."] Sut,—I have read with interest the article in last week's Spectator entitled " The White Man's Nightmare," which criticises a paper of...


The Spectator

LTO THE ED/TOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—The Parliamentary Vacation brings a truce to party war, and surely if ever there was a question on which patriotism and statesmanship...

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rru TOR EDITOR OF Till . sraortroa. - . 1 SIH,—I am one of a large number of people in India who depend mainly upon the papers we receive from home for information about the...


The Spectator

Ste,—Your correspondent Mr. W. Whitaker in your last number objects on historical grounds to the House of Lords being called the Second Chamber : a more practical objection to...


The Spectator

(To THE EDITOR OV SPROIATOR." J Stu,—In your issue of August 17th Count M. J. Esterhazy takes me once more to task for my remarks on the reaction now rampant in Hungary, and...

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sescrrroit.") SIR, —The subject of your article (Spectator, September 7th) merits even more extended remark than you give , to it. I think, hoWever, your diagnoiis of the case...

Copy of a Letter from a Bengali Baboo out of

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Employment, sent to an O f ficer in Civil Employ in Burma. " Honour]) Sis,—Last evening while perigrinating through the city, I am hearing from friend who was likewise enjoying...


The Spectator

(To TER EDITOR OF THE "ErECTATOR.".1 SIR,—A short time ago I received a letter from a relative in civil employ in Burma enclosing a letter he had received from a candidate for...

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in last Saturday's Spectator has . interested me, though I hold the writer's conclusion to be surprisingly wrong. The " terrible reserve " of which be speaks is a really high...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR Or THE 'SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—As the reference in your issue of August 24th to the adult schools is the first time in my recollection that the movement has been...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF TUB "Sr scrATo3.1 SIR,—Having just read the article on the above topic in your issue of August 24th, may I point to one probable result of the proposed...


The Spectator

LTO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Your interesting article on "Joachim" in the Spectator of August 24th, and Sir Charles Stanford's letter in the following issue, do not...

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Out from the station's noise and light Cleaving a forest of red and green Where one eye winks to white; Slow breath, stealthy breath Over the switches, into the keen Wind of the...

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."' SIR,—Would it not be

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easier to do as all other nations do,- i.e., to rise earlier ? The English is the only nation in the world that lies in bed in the mornings. During the " light quarter " banks...

[To THE ED/TOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—The proposal to

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advance the clocks in the kingdom from time to time during the early summer so as to obtain as much advantage as possible of daylight is too important a matter to be ridiculed...

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The letter of Mr.

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Frost in your last week's issue entirely mistakes the drift of Mr. Willett's scheme. That scheme deals with men as they are, not as they might be. A good deal of recreation...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."' SIR, — I have read your article and the ensuing correspondence with much interest ; but I miss something. There is no suggestion of what I...

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AN IRISH MOHAMMEDAN.* THE whole scope of this book might be defined by saying that it is an essay on the difficulty the Western has in under- standing the Oriental. Bonaparte...

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PRIOR to the publication of the first number of Lord Brassey's Naval Annual in 1886 there was no yearly publication, in English, giving in a summarised form particulars of the...

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the most authoritative, and, from the stand- point of style, one of the most lively and interesting, con- tributions that have recently been made to the literature of the...

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Ma. Simons is a wonderful man. Nearly forty years have passed since he landed as a youth in South Africa, and embarked on the career of a professional elephant-hunter. His good...

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A MOTHER'S SON.• NOVELS with an athletic Admirable Crichton for hero were more connuou forty years ago than to-day, and we have no quarrel with Mr. and Mrs. Fry for reviving a...

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NATIONAL DEFENCE AND UNIVERSAL SERVICE. The Problem of National Defence. By Major Ross, D.S.O., The Norfolk Regiment. (Hutchinson and Co. 12s. net.)—Offence not Defence ; or,...

The Enchanted Garden. By Maud Stepney Rawson. (Methuen and Co.

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6s.)—The charm of this story consists chiefly in the description of a beautiful Spanish garden in an island in mid. : Atlantic. The . island—" San Carlos"—appears to be one of...

The Cloak of Charity. By Lady Arbuthnot. (R.T.S. 2s.)— This

The Spectator

little book, intended for girls of about fifteen or sixteen, describes a Christmas visit of the eldest daughter of a large family to a lonely aunt,—the wearer of "The Cloak of...

READABLE NOVELS. —The Girl and the Miracle. By Richard Marsh. (Methuen

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and Co. 6s.)—A. tale of the detection of crime, complicated with all Mr. Marsh's well-known ingenuity, — The Privateers. By H. B. Marriott Watson. (Same pub- lishers. 6s.)—A...

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[Under this heading we notice such Book, of the week as have not been reeerred for reriew in other for.ns.1 Socialism before the French Revolution. By William B. Guthrie, Ph.D....


The Spectator

The Bagpipe. By. A. Duncan Frazer. (W. J. Hay, Edinburgh. 10s. 6d. net.)—The literature of the bagpipe is so scanty that Mr. Duncan Frazer need have had little diffidence in...

what one would look for. No one in Professor Mitchell's

The Spectator

position could take any other line. And it mist nbt be suppbsed that his view of Scottish Christianity is narrow. He is always reasonable and moderate. He expresses himself with...

Page 26

Victoria County History : Berk.•shire, Vol. II. (A. Constable and

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Co. Al 11s. 6d. net per vol.)—The " Ecclesiastical History" is at least as interesting as usual. Dr. J. C. Cox, who writes it, points out that the poor suffered by the...

Through Persia in a Motor-car. By Claude Anat. Translated by

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M. Beresford Ryloy. (Hodder and Stoughton. 16s. net.)— The title should, strictly speaking, have been "Through Persia in Three Motor-cars." There were six travellers, two of...

Memories of Famous Trials. By Evelyn Burnaby, M.A. (Sisley's. 7s.

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ed. net.)—Mr. Burnaby, we are told in an address " to theReader," " has been a constant attendant at celebrated trials for nearly half a century," and he explains in his preface...

The Autobiography of a Military Great Coat. By Harold Josling.

The Spectator

(Jarrold and Sons. 6s. net.)—Thucydides, it will be remembered, complains of the difficulty of obtaining correct information about events. The historian will be always more or...

Liverpool. Painted by J. Hamilton Hay. Described by Dixon Scott.

The Spectator

(A. and C. Black. 6s.)—It is altogether in harmony with the fact 'that this volume belongs to a series of what may be called "Picture Books" that the name of the painter should...

A Treasury of South. African Poetry and Verse. Collected and

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Arranged by Edward Heath Crouch. (Walter Scott Publishing Company. 3s. 6d.)—Mr. Crouch gives us in this volume speci- mens of more than forty South African poets and writers of...

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We have received from Mr. Edward Stanford various maps of

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regions in Africa. The main features, natural and other, as railways, roads (where they exist), watercourses, forests, &c., are marked. The maps are Dongola and Berber, White...

In the series of "Primers of Industrial Art" (Hodder and

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Stoughton, Ss. not each) we have Salt Glazed Stoneware, by Edwin Atlee Barber, and Tin Enamelled Pottery, by the same author. Mr. Barber is Curator of the Pennsylvania Museum....

'Map of Public Footpaths North and West of London. (G.

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Philip and Son. 2s. net.)—This map has been prepared by the " Northern Heights Committee of the Middlesex, Herts, and Bucks Board of the Commons and Footpaths Preservation...

The Diary of a Baby. By Barry Pain. (Eveleigh Nash.

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ls. and ls. 6d.)—This is one of the books to which a critic can hardly hope to do justice. Of serious books it may safely be said that only the very best bear being read aloud;...