14 SEPTEMBER 1907, page 13

L Ette Rs To The E Duo It.

MR. PARES AND DR. DILLON. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.' SIR,—A personal attack covering nearly two columns of the Spectator (August 24th) requires some answer. Besides, I......

[to Tim Editor Of Tun "sescraton."1 Sir,—i Read In Your

issue Of August 24th a letter from Dr. Dillon in which he made certain statements about Mr. Bernard Pares and his work in Russia. I am in a position to question these......

The White Man's Nightmare.

(TO TDB EDITOR OF TILE "SPICOTILTOR."] Sut,—I have read with interest the article in last week's Spectator entitled " The White Man's Nightmare," which criticises a paper of......

The Question Of The Hour.

LTO THE ED/TOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—The Parliamentary Vacation brings a truce to party war, and surely if ever there was a question on which patriotism and statesmanship......