10 NOVEMBER 1883

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M. Ferry, during the debate on Tonquin on Wednesday week,

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read a telegram from M. Tricou, French Charge d'Affaires in 'Chum, stating that the'Xiceroy, Li Hung Chang, had disavowed the Chinese Ambassador. The statement created much...

Rumours have been circulated in London and Paris of great

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French successes in Tonquin, and other rumours of a final breach between China and France. None of these stories are true. According to all authentic reports, Dr. Harmand, the...

Herr von Balky, the Austrian Finance Minister, on Novem- ber

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6th made a most rose-coloured speech to the Hungarian Delegation, on the condition of Bosnia. The local taxation, he said, was now equal to the local expenditure, and the cost...

It seems to be generally understood that Sir Henry Brand

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wishes to retire from the Speakership as soon as a satisfactory substitute can be found, and if rumour can be trusted there is some difficulty in inducing men of the first rank...

* e * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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We are often asked where, in the great Empire of

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China, power really resides, and we believe the best short statement is this. Subject to certain immovable customs, the Emperor, in his capacity of Father of the people, can in...


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T HE Government have given out, semi-officially, that the County Franchise Bill will be the first measure of the next Session, and that it will probably be accompanied, rather...

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• The Standard publishes an account of the present position

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of the Nihilists, derived, it states, from "one of the most pro- minent Russian statesmen now in office." According to this authority, the party has of late become weak and...

It is asserted in Vienna that a serious insurrection has

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broken out in Servia, the militia of one district at least being in open mutiny against an order to deliver up their arms to the newly- organised Reserves. The Government of...

The people of Jamaica appear to be tired of absolute

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govern- ment by Anglo-Indian officers, although their advocates admit that under them the Negroes have greatly advanced, and race- hatreds have become less bitter. On Thursday,...

It is by no means clear that the Democrat Party

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in the Union will carry the White House next year. They expected to do so, but the " fall " elections, which have just begun, show considerable reaction. Massachusetts has...

A meeting was held on Tuesday in St. Pancras Vestry

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Hall which on the Continent would be regarded with grave alarm. It was intended to advocate State aid to the emi- gration of the London poor, who, according to Canon Spence,...

The Duke of Richmond and Gordon presided at Aberdeen: yesterday

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week at a banquet given to Sir R. Cross, and in his opening speech maintained that the Conservatives were not an obstructive Party, that they were quite willing to further pro-...

Sir Wilfrid Lawson is already beginning his canvass of West

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Cumberland, and made a speech at Parton, near Whitehaven, on Monday, in which he appeared openly as a candidate for West Cumberland at the next general election. We observe with...

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The Oxford memorial concerning the physiological laboratory, which asks, we

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believe, that no experiments on living animals shall be made in the new Oxford laboratory except under anaesthetics, and none at all on the higher domestic animals, will...

If the members of the Hebdomadal Council really desire to

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judge the question before them on its merits, we would entreat them to read the paper by Dr. Sydney Ringer and Dr. William Murrell on nitrite of sodium as a poison (or, in the...

Lord G. Hamilton made a speech on Wednesday evening to

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some of his Middlesex constituents at Kilburn, which, if the Times' report can be trusted, contained little worthy of his re- putation as a speaker. There were two observations,...

Bank Rate, 3 per cent.

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Consols were on Friday 101a to 1011.

Mr. Fawcett made a graceful and vigorous speech to his

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con- stituents at Hackney on Thursday, in which, as he always does, he stuck to his colours like a man, repeating his old reasons for giving the suffrage to women, for...

At the inaugural dinner of the Bristol University College Club,

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last Monday, Sir John Lubbock, in proposing success to the College, made an interesting speech on the state of educa- tion in England, which be commenced by remarking that M....

The Rev. Sir Henry Moncreiff, Principal Clerk to the Assembly

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of the Free Church of Scotland, died on Sunday last, at the age of seventy-five. Eminent neither as a preacher nor as .a theologian, a fair business debater rather than a popu-...

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THE PROPOSED REFORM BILLS. I F the Government are disposed, as is alleged, to defer to the feeling of the Constituencies who returned them to power, by introducing at the...

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W E scarcely remember a more disheartening incident in French politics than this affair of M. Tricou's-telegram. As our readers will remember, towards the close of the debate of...

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I N writing a protest, on September 1st, against the exhorta- tion of the Times to our public men to keep silence during the Recess, we pointed out how incalculably a Demo-...

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W E trust that every Liberal who feels interested in the Socialist agitation now rising up on every aide of us, will study carefully Mr. Goschen'a address of Friday week to the...

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I N reading the speeches of the Tory leaders, Lord Salisbury excepted, we are constantly struck by a defect which we should not have anticipated. That they should denounce...

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M R. ALLANSON PICTON'S very graceful and eloquent reply to one particular point of Miss Cobbe's June paper on " Agnostic Morality," in the new number of the Contemporary Review,...

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C OLLIERS, it is said, in some districts of Northern Eng- land object to wash, because the process, as they allege, " takes the strength out of their backs." That may be a story...

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I T is difficult to say whether Ole Bull was more of a musician or a patriot. In most natures iu which the strange gift of music exists to the extent of unmistakable genius,...

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MINORITY REPRESENTATION. Cro THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Stn,—You call upon Mr. Goschen to accept the Democracy, and urge him to apply his mind to the great problem of...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Apart from the

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general question of minority representa- tion, there is a special objection to "one-Member constituencies," —they are liable to be left uncontested. (1.) There may be a Member...


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SIR,—I find it difficult to understand the reason of the hatred to the Minority Clause felt by so many honest Liberals, of whom Mr. Bright is the foremost. I suppose it comes...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sra,—Vivisectors of animals are wont to repudiate the accusation of being moved merely by the ardour of scientific curiosity. They assure...


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the Spectator of October 27th, though a Liberal, thinks there must be something wrong in the policy of the Liberal party towards Ireland, " when we find our measures bearing...

[0 THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] had the privilege of

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hearing the remarkable speech Mr. Leonard Courtney, M.P., delivered here last Monday, and have since refreshed my memory by reading a verbatim, report of his remarks. Having...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR, —Firm, even-handed justice, is what Ireland has too seldom: got since her connection with England. Arms Bills and Coercion Acts, if...

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V.—Tums.k's Dino E.

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Thaisa fair, under the cold sea lying, Sleeps the long sleep denied to her by Earth ; We, adding sighs unto the wild winds' sighing, With all our mourning under-mourn her worth...


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SOME WOMEN OF LETTERS.f THESE two interesting volumes may conveniently be classed together, for the author of the Memories is a grand-daughter of Dr. Aikin, and a great-niece...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —The triumph of beards over English ecclesiastical prejudice has been more complete than you suppose. There are two English Bishops...


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Our bark is on the rolling sea, Our prize is on the shore, In caverns dark the treasures be, Wrung from the deep before : The keen keel lave, Propitious wave, And yield thy...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] SIB,— Though I look upon the Ilbert Bill as the inevitable -sequel of the admission of Natives into the Covenanted Service —in fact, as the...


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LYRICS OF PERICLES.-11.* IV.—Errrmudarium. EVEN as the Gods plant stars upon the way Of wanderers distracted and belate, So shineth fairly on our lord's estate A starry bride...


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Weep for Marina, plucked too soon By surly Death ; Robbed, ere her sun reached afternoon, Of pearly breath : Forefallen flowers about thy grave we twine; Alas, Marine ! (To be...

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SONGS UNSUNG.* Trim new volume, by the author of Songs

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of Two Worlds, would be disappointing to us, but for the power and, we might almost say, stateliness, of one of the longest poems it contains,—" The New Creed." We do not think...

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THE Special Correspondent is the true modern representative of the knight-errant. It is he who blows the magic horns, not- withstanding the dragon guardians of the gates, and...

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Ma. JEAFFB.ESON has given his book a wrong title. He should have followed his own example, and called it, more modestly, a " Book about Lord Byron." As such, it would, perhaps,...

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DR. EDITH ROMNEY.* THE writer of this novel is manifestly

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very much in earnest. There is an unmistakeable reality, a ring of genuine passion, in ber complaints of the folly and caprice which deny to her heroine her legitimate career....

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THE Fortnightly Review has some excellent papers, the one which has interested us most being Mr. S. Laiug's "A Month in Connemara." The Member for the Orkneys strongly supports...

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poses, except it be that our Army is to be put under the government of soldiers. A Civil Secretary at War and a civilian establishment in the War Office are, it would seem,...

hero indeed, "Vivian Chandos-Devereux, Lord of Bongomont, (Ito."

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lie is returned to Parliament, makes a maiden speech almost imme- diately on taking his seat which is a prodigious success, even winning several votes—mirabile dictu !—and would...

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POETRY.—Poems. By J. B. Selkirk. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—

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Songs of Yarrow, Love Poems, Miscellaneous Poems, and Marah, are the four divisions of Mr. Selkirk's volume. The first, we think, are the best. In the " Reiver's Ride,"...

English Lyrics. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—That this volume, one

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of the "Parchment Library" series, is of a comely look (though it is not improved, to our mind, by the gilded top-edge), and that it contains many beautiful things, and, indeed,...

We have received the " twenty-first annual edition" of the

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Royal Guide to the London Charities. By Herbert Fry. (Chatto and Windas.) —A very interesting volume this, though there is need, we fancy, of fuller information, if we want to...