Poetry.—poems. By J. B. Selkirk. (kegan Paul, Trench, And...
Songs of Yarrow, Love Poems, Miscellaneous Poems, and Marah, are the four divisions of Mr. Selkirk's volume. The first, we think, are the best. In the " Reiver's Ride,"......
English Lyrics. (kegan Paul, Trench, And Co.)—that This...
of the "Parchment Library" series, is of a comely look (though it is not improved, to our mind, by the gilded top-edge), and that it contains many beautiful things, and, indeed,......
We Have Received The " Twenty-first Annual Edition" Of The
Royal Guide to the London Charities. By Herbert Fry. (Chatto and Windas.) —A very interesting volume this, though there is need, we fancy, of fuller information, if we want to......
Hero Indeed, "vivian Chandos-devereux, Lord Of Bongomont,...
lie is returned to Parliament, makes a maiden speech almost imme- diately on taking his seat which is a prodigious success, even winning several votes—mirabile dictu !—and would......