Eonam Raers,—These races now maintain a fair reputation, not only
on account of the company which frequent them, and which at this dull season of the year any spectacle may be supposed capable of attract- ing, but on account of the excellence and number of the horses, which nothing but a degree of deserved celebrity could attract at any season. The races began on Tuesday, and finished on Thursday. The singular fineness of the weather on all the three days added to the enjoyment. The following were among the noble and honourable visitors on the occasion :— Prince Esterhazy, the Duke and Duchess of Richmond, Earl of March, Earl an Countess of Errol, Earl of Uxbridge, Earl Sefton and the Lathes Molineux, Earl. Mountcharles, Lord John Fitzroy, Lord W. Lennox, Hon. Captain Rous, Captain and Lady Agnes Byne, Colonel Russell, Sir Frederick Bathurst, Sir John Gibbons, Lady Georgiana Paget, Mr. Scott Stonehewer, Mr. Gibbons, Mr. Greville, Mr. Gran- vine Berkeley, Mr. De Burgh, Mr. F. Charlton, Mr. Wightwick, Captain Locke, Mr. Bulkeley, Captain Bulkeley, Mr. Maberly, Mr. Ramsbottom, Mr. Berhelez Craven, Colonel Wood.
First Day—Tuesday.—The Gold Cup, value 100 sovereigns (in specie) by sub• scribers of 10 sovereigns each, (the second horse to save his stake) for 3 yr. olds. 6st. 121b.; 4 yrs. fist. 1011).; 5 yrs. Oat. 31b. ; 6 yrs. and aged, Oat. 61b.; mares and geldings allowed 31b. The winner to be sold for 500 sovereigns, Sic. Two miles. Mr. Maberly's Palemon, 5 yrs. ...... . ............. .......... ...... I
Lord Mon ntcharles's Rasselas, 5 yrs ....... ......... 2 Mr. Holbrook 's f. Fury, by Trinidad, 3 yrs . .
The following paid forfeit :—Hindostan, Hindoo, Mares d, Syntax, Coroner, Windfall, the Fairy and Toso. T1 e odds were 5 to 2 on llasselas, and 5 to 2 apt. Palemon. Won in a canter by five lengths.
Produce Sweepstakes of 50 sovereigns each, p. ft. ; colts, fist. 51b. ; fillies, 8st 21b. ; 31b. allowed for untried stallions or mares, and 51b. if both—the new mile. His Majesty's b. c. Vanloo, by Waterloo, (allowed 31b.).. . 1 Lord Uxbridge's Juvenis, by Tancred, . . . 2
The following paid—Mr. Berkeley's Credulity, Lord Stradbroke's f. by Tireslair, and Mr. Nowell's f. by Bustard. Betting 5 to 2 on Vanloo. Won by a length, without difficulty.
A Sweepstakes of 5 sovereigns each, and 30 added. Three yrs, 7st. 41b.; 4y9. Set. lb.; .Sys. Bat. 81b. ; Sys. and aged, 8st. 111b. Mares and geldings allowed 2111.
The winner to be sold for 80 sovereigns, Heats three-quarters of a mile. Four. subscribers.
Lord Uxbridge's .Tuvenls, 3 yrs. ..... ................. 1 1
Mr. Beecher 's Penhill, 4 yrs. .... . . 2 0
First Heat-6 to 5 on Penhill, and 3 to 1 against Benefit.; 'length, (latter
Lord Mountcharles's Benefit, 4 yrs.
Mr. Montague's Duchess, 3 yrs
an indifferent race. Second heat-5 to 2 on Juvenis, and 4 to 1 against Penhillg won by a length easy: a remarkably fine race, and a dead heat far the second phic.e between the other three.
Second Day—Wednesday.—The Surrey and Middlesex Stakes of 25 sovereigns each, 15 ft. and only 5 if declared by the 20th of July. Two miles and a distance. Lord Mountcharles's Gayhurst, 4yrs. 8st. 41b........ ..................I. Lord Uxbridge's Rough Robin, Syrs. 9st. .............. ..... .......... 2
Mr. Bulkeley's Bustle, 3 yrs. 7st. 41b. The following paid 15 sovereigns each—Mr. Lawrence's Fury, Mr. Moberly% Nanine colt, Mr. Clarke's Scipio, Lord Tavistock's Gondolier, and Mr. Stonehewer's Fairy, 14 others paid 5 sovereigns each.
Betting-7 to 4 against the winner' 7 to 4 against Rough Robin, and 5 to 2 against Bustle. For the first fifty yards the horses confined themselves to a walk. Bustle and Gayburst in all appearance on the look out for each other to make runnings at length Bustle sprung of at a smart pace, Gayhurst lying well up. Rough Robin on the waiting system. Bustle continued in front for about a mile ; Gayhurst then took the lead at an amended pace- Rough Robin at the same time getting into the second place, and the whole three 'lying so close that a sheet would have covered the lot; and so they remained to the finish, the whipping for the last hundred and fifty yards being terrific. Gayhurst won by half a length, and Robin defeated Bustles. by a head. It was a remarkably fine race, and the pace very severe. Handicap Sweepstakes of 10 sovereigns each, and 25 added. New mile.
Duke of Richmond's Refugee, 8 yrs. 7st. 91b. 1 Mr, Gardnor's Emmeline, 5 yrs. 8st. 81b........ . 2 Mr. Maberly's Verdict, 3 yrs. 7s1. 91b. 3 Lord Mountcharles's Rasselas, 5 yrs. 8st. 811). 4 Two others paid. Betting-6 to 4 on Refugee, and 3 to 1 against Verdict Won easy by two lengths.
The Magna Charta Stakes of 50 sovereigns each, h. ft.; for 3 yr. old colts, 8st. 71b. and fillies, 8st. 41b. The new mile.
Mr. Crouch's Jenny Vertpre 1 Mr. Ramsbottom's Zucharelli • • ........ .......... . 2 Mr. Maberly s Erymus . . . ..... 3 Three paid forfeit-11 to 8 on Erymus, 2 to 1 against Zucharelli, and 3 to 1 against Jenny.
Jenny Vertpre took the lead, was never headed, although closely pressed by Zu- charelli at the finish, and won by a neck with some difficulty.
Sweepstakes of 5 sovereigns each, and,30 added; 3 yrs. 7st. 71b.; 4 yrs. 8st. 71b.; 5 yrs. Set.; 8 yrs. and aged, 9st. 41b. Mares and geldings allowed 31b.; winners extra.-Heats one mile. Four subscribers.
The winner to be sold for 150 sovereigns, &c. Duke of Richmond's Confederacy, 3 yrs. 7st. 71b. . . 1 1 Mr. Lawrence's ch. f. Fury, 3 yrs. 7st. 41b., ..... ..... ..... . 2 dr. Lord Mountcharles's Brother to Gayhurst, .3 yrs. 7st. .3 3 Mr. NV. Day's b. m. Profile, aged, 9st. ..... ............ 4 2 First heat-7 to 4 on Confederacy : won easy. Second heat-high odds on Con- federacy: won very easy. The winner was claimed.
Third Day-Thursday.-Two year-old Stakes, of 30 sows. each, 20 ft.; colts, Sst.51b., and fillies, 8st. 21b.; winners extra. The last three quarters of the new Mr. Lawrence's b. f. Fancy, sister to Fashion .... 1
Duke of Richmond's f., Conciliation, by Moses 2 Mr. Lumley's f., by Muley, out of Harriet ........ 3 Mr. Theobald's c., by Middleton. John de Bart's dam Five others were entered, but paid the forfeit of 20 sovereigns each.-Betting 2 to 1 each against Harriet and Conciliation, the former for choice, and 5 to 1 against each of the others. Won by a length.
A Free Handicap, of 25 sovereigns each ; 15 ft., and 20 sovereigns added. About 2 miles.
Lord Mountcharles's Gayhurst, 4 yrs. 8st. 51b... 0 1 Duke of Richmond's Refugee, 3 yrs, fist. 101h... . 0 2 Mr. Bulkeley's Bustle, 3 yrs, 7st. 91b.............. ................ 3 0 Lord Mounteharles's Rasselas and Mr. Gardnor's Emmeline paid.
Betting-Even on Refugee, and 6 to 4 against Gayhurst. Gayhurst made play at a moderate pace, followed by Bustle, and continued in front to the distance, where Hufugee (who carried 2113. over weight) went to his head: the run home was amaz- ingly severe, and ended in a dead beat, after a very liberal use of the whip. Second Heat-Even betting. A very severe race till just the finish, when Gayhurst let out and won cleverly by a length.
The Sunninghill Stakes of 5 sovereigns each (handicap), and 20 added. Three quarters of a mile. 6 Subscribers.
Mr. Gardnor's Emmelina, 5 yrs. 8st. 4113. ....... 1
Mr. Cosby's br. h. Henri Quatre, 5 yrs. 8st. 21b... . .
Mr. Day's hr. f. Nell Gwynn, 3 yrs. Sat. 121b.
Mr. Austin's ch. f. Adelaide, 4 yrs. 7st. .... 7 to 4 against Henri, and 2 to 1 against Emmelina (taken) A remarkably close well-contested race. Emmelina laid about a length in front, till about half a dis- tance from the chair; Henri Quatre then came up to him, and the two ran head and bead to the end; the mare winning by u head with extreme difficulty.