Compress Commits—This venerable body met yesterday. A me- snorial was
presented to it complaining of the refusal of the Lord Mayor to summon a special Court to express the opinion of the City on the late Changes in France. It was agreed to discuss the memorial at the next court-day. These City people should really drop this question. It can- not be entertained to any effect. They must not expect to come in for the praise of sympathizing with freedom at so late an hour of the day. Let them eat their turtle and drink their claret, and keep their charm- ter. No one seeks to rob them of their good things, or their indifferent. To meet now and twaddle about the people of France—when the Go- vernment has recognized them, and the people everywhere has applauded them., and their stability is undisputed in reality and in opinion—is of all acts the most supererogatory.
ABATEMENT OF THE EAST INDIA MONOPOLY.—We believe we can state, on tolerably good authority, that when the renewal of the East India Charter comes under discussion, both the Company and his Majesty's Government are prepared to make some very important con- cesions to the desire so generally and unequivoeally expressed by the mercantile body. There will he several !midi tieathIns proposed by Minis- ters themselves. For instance, the China trade will be wholly thrown open—thrown ()pen, at least, as far as it can be prudently done, Ivitle reference tO the peculiar temper and regulations ()I the Chinese. The tea -trade, therefore. (v ill be liberated front those fetters which are said to bind it down in these islands SO injuriously fi,m the public. With re- gard to British India, there will likewise be various modifications. Fa- cilities will be given to commerce generally. The question of coloniza- tion is a difficult one. British subjects (no not at present legally hold eertains kind of property ; saw can they s: .t le and pursue trade or manu- facture without the permission of the •Cumeany, or the local tuithorities, who have the power of instantaneous removal. These obstacles to British commercial enterprise NVII1 not be tiltoess her removed ; but they may be lessened in a considerelde degree. In a word, the ruling powers, and the powers in possession of the monopoly. alike perceive that the time is come for changes ; and those chalet es will neither be less certain nor less beneficial ler being made gradually lied prudently.— L-cds In- telligence?. [Wm's know not on what authority our provincial contempo- rary makes this statement ; but we consider it by no means improbable.] CANVASSING Fon CITY OFFICES.—Resolutions were passed out Tuesday, at a Common Council held for that purpose, deprecatory of canvassing for City offices ; the immediate occasion was the vacancy of the office of City Ple.:--er. The Council are desirous to resider all such elections free and im:ependent ! Does the end of the world draw smear? These are strong symptoms of some very extraordinary event.