In our late Edition of last week we announced the safety of the long missing Bridgwater. She was dismasted in a dreadful hurricane which she encountered on
the 4th, 5th, and adz Mardi in hit. 20 south, lair. 90 east, and bore up for India. She reached Madras on the Mardi, April, and having landed her passengers at that place, proceeded to Calcutta for repair. The injury which she sustained was so ex- tensive, that fears were entertained of her being condemned. All the Company's Regular China Ships have now arrived except the Vansittart and Charles Grant, which have reached St. Helena, and the Bridgwater. The extra ship, Larkins, the last of the season, was to leave Canton for Halifax about the 150, April. Several of the Chinamen which have arrived this week were accompanied from St. Helena by H. DT. Ship Ariadne, in consequence of the mutinous conduct of their crews. This precautional measure which was resorted to by the Government at St. Helena, in opposition to the wiles of the Commanders, has led to very exag- gerated statements relative to the conduct of the seamen. Arrived—At Gravesend, August 81st, H. C. Ships Kellie Castle, Adams, and Windsor Heaviside ; September 1st, General yd, Serie ; Scaleby Castle, Burnett; Inglis, D'uclman ; and Farquharson, Cruickshank : 20, Waterloo, Newall ; and Lowther Castle, Bathie—all from China. At St. Helena, July 4th, Diamond, Clark, from Bengal ; 13th, H. C. Ship Vausittart, Scott, from China ; 14th, Joseph Win- ter, Richardson, from Bengal; and H. C. Ship Charles Grant, Everest, from China. At Madras, March 20th, Lord Amherst, Thornhill, from London. At Batavia, April 14th, Mary Hope, Bissett, from Liverpool. At Manilla, Freelands, Jones, from London. Sailed—From Gravesend, August 28th, Eliza, Weddell, for Swan River ; and Wellington, Evans, from Madras; 30th, Fergusson, Young, for Calcutta ; and Samuel Brown, Reed, for Mauritius ; September 2d, Edward, Gilbert, for New South Wales ; and Rambler, Knight, for the Cape. From Liverpool, September 2d, Herculean, Battersby, for Bengal. From Clyde, August 27th, Czar, Russell, for Van Diemen'sLand. Spoken—Pyramus, from 'London to Bombay, 21st June, 28 south, 32 west. Elphinstone, from'London to Bengal, 26th July, 11 north, 25 west. Spartan, from Liverpool to Manilla,4th May, off Java Head. Claudine, from Madras to London, about the 28th June, off the Cape, by the -Rellie Castle, who took from her Mr. Plowden and Lieutenant James, late passengers in the Bridgwater, from China.