West Yorkshire. By James W. Davis and F. Arnold Lees.
(Is. Reeve.)—This complete and exhaustive volume gives an account of the " Geology, Physical Geography, Climatology, and Botany" of the West Riding of Yorkshire, Mr. Davis having himself contributed the article on the geology, and having associated with himself in the rest of the work Mr. Arnold Lees. Any one who thinks of spending a peaceful and inexpensive holiday in making himself acquainted with the beauties of one of the most striking districts of England (West Yorkshire in- cludes, among other notable places, the fine hill country of Whernside and Ingleborongh), cannot do better than make himself acquainted with this volume. It is furnished with two large and admirably executed maps, one of them giving the geological formation of the district, the other dividing it into river areas, a division which corresponds with the description of its flora.