[Notice in this cotstmn does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.'
Mr. Hartley Withers has written an excellent pamphlet upon War and Self.Denial (J. M. Dent and Sons, 2d.) which we recommend heartily to our readers' notice. He explains in the clearest possible way how it is that saving is the only source from which the huge sum that is needed for the war can be found. It is not merely a question of economizing in goods imported from abroad, or in goods made at borne that are available for export, or in goods needed by the Government for war purposes. The need for economy is universal. " Whatever we can go without helps," says Mr. Withers :- "If we drink less beer, then the labour and energy required for making and carrying about beer, and doing all the book-keeping that is needed, would be available for making shells for the Government or for making articles that we export. Whatever we buy has to be carried about. It travels on the railways and then is probably carted once or twice. By doing . without it we relieve the pressure on the overworked railways, and by saving railway power we help to save the nation's coal supply or set free coal for export; also we relieve the pressure on vehicles—whether horse- drawn or motor—and the men who have to drive them."
In another passage Mr. Withers insists that " saving is a thing we can all do except the very poorest "
We can all out off or cut down alcohol or tea or coffee or tobacco, or buying new clothes, or travelling for pleasure, or going to theatres or keeping unnecessary servants, or calling in unnecessary doctors to prescribe for imaginary complaints."
The admirable advice contained in these words deserves the widest publicity.