26 JULY 1902, Page 15



SIR,—A friend has just drawn my attention to a letter from a Mr. Theo Huse (Liitlichau Strasse 26, Dresden, Saxony) which appeared in the Spectator a year or two ago under the heading " The Commander of the ' Gloucester,' " who, be said, was a descendant of a sister of Sir Robert Crosse. The Crosses were originally of Charlynch, and Sir Robert was born here. I have a collection of original letters of his, and records of the family down to the present day; but I have never been able to discover where he died and was buried. He was a friend and ally of Sir Walter Raleigh, was sent home in charge of the 'Madre de Dios,' a huge Spanish galleon, laden with treasure, the greater portion of which mysteriously disappeared. He married a Roman Catholic lady. His letters latterly are dated from Martin's Abbey. Its locality I cannot fix. If you could put me in communication with your correspondent, I should be greatly obliged; or if you could afford me any help or in- formation that would lead to further particulars about Sir Robert Crosse, I should most thankfully accept it. I may add that the Crosses removed to Broomfield early in the seventeenth century, where they continue to this day.—I am, Sir, &c., W. A. BELL. Charlynch Rectory, Bridgwater, Somerset.