26 JULY 1902, Page 1


WE record with the most heartfelt satisfaction that the improvement in the King's health continues, and that he is rapidly passing from the stage of convalescence to that of restored health. His time is chiefly spent on the deck of the yacht, the open air working its accustomed charm as a restorative. Since we last wrote the Coronation ceremony has been definitely and officially fixed for Saturday, August 9th, and the Naval Review for August 16th. When one recalls the fact that it is hardly more than a month ago that the nation learnt the news that the Coronation must be post- poned, and that the King was undergoing a very dangerous operation for a most serious illness, the course of events seems almost incredible. The King's splendid constitution, and his wonderful pluck and cheerfulness of disposition, have, of course, been the main cause of his wonderful recovery, but no little credit must also be given to the perfection of all the surgical and medical arrangements and to skilful nursing. Surgery and nursing, thanks largely to improved mechanical appliances of all kinds, have suffered a complete revolution for the better during the last quarter of a century.