It is in contemplation, we understand, to build two Roman
Catholics chapels in St. Helier's ; towards which, it is said, the Right Reverend Dr. Griffiths, Roman Catholic Bishop of Olena in partilnis, has con- tributed the very handsome sum of 200!. sterling.—Jersey Times.
Steele is the awful stagnation of trade and commerce at Guernsey, that in the last six years, as we are informed by the Star, the aggregate value of household property has been depreciated two hundred thousand pounds. 'In Jersey, on the contrary, household property, in the same period, has improved in value, we are persuaded, to the amount of treble that sum, Building is going on with astonishing rapidity in all dired- tions, and yet we hear frequent complaints of the difficulty of getting houses.—Jerscy Times.