21 SEPTEMBER 1839, Page 21



On the 16th inst.. in Great Cumberland Place, the Lady of GEORGE ROBERT SMITE4: Esq., M.P., of a son. On the 16th inst., in Charterhonse Square. the Lady of the Rev. WILLIAM GOODW, Rector of St. Antholin and St. John the Baptist, of a daughter. On the Silt inst., at Gibraltar, the Lady of LONGLANDS Cowscr., Esq., his Belgian. Majesty's Consul, of a daughter.

On the 14th inst., at the Rectory, Hart Street, the Lady of the Rev. JOHN Lena, of dauglder.

On the 14th inst., at Devonshire Street, Portland Place, the Lady of JAMES Auras, Esq., of a son.

On the 18th inst., at Walnut Tree Walk, Lambeth, Mrs. THOMAS TAMES SERLE, of a daughter.


On the 10th inst., at Wilton Church, the Hon. THOMAS VESET, to.dest son of Viscount De Vesei, to the Lady Emus HERBERT, youngest daughter of the late Earl of Pembroke. Ou the 18th inst., at St. Marylchone Ghnrch, DANIEL 11101,0IID DARALL Beats, Esq., M.P., of Gavton, Herefordshire. to ANNE Manomuirri, only dan2hter of the late Cap- tain Edward Seobell, R.N., of Poltair (louse. Coruwall, :Lad of Dorset Square. On the 18th inst.. at St. Margaret's, Westminster, Coniniander It. P. CLEAVELAII.G. R.N., to Seentr., fifth daughter of the late Rev. Hubert Oalseley, D. D., ofOakeley, Salop. On the l'ith inst. at Hammersmith, the Rev. AARON 'Nom As, M.A., of Eye Cottage, Leomin,ter, Herefordshire, to MARY, fourth surviving daughter of the late Morris Remg, 1:r.q., Army Agent. of Vigo Street :nal Great Ryder street, St. James's. 0.1 the 15th inst., at Christchurch, Sin ry, the Rey. W. W. PEETE, of Chelsfield, to MARY, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Brand, of Stamford Street. Oil the 12th inst., at M Won, SYDNEY STREATFIELfl, Major or the 52d Regiment, second son of the late Richard Streattiebl, of the Rocks, Sussex, to SARA JANE, third daughter of Isaac Cookson, Esq., of Mrldon Park, Northumberland.

DEATHS. • On the 15th inst., at Thurlstes. the Earl of Lsonsnoar.s, in his 81st year. On the ISth inst., at Rendlesham, the Right Ilou. WILLIAM Lord RENDusIIAst, his 41st year.

On the 14th inst., at Norwood, the Hen. HENRY CO1/NEWALL DEVEREET, eldest sou of Viscount Hereford, in his 32d year.

On the 17th inst., at Richmond, Sorry, the Dowager Countess of POMFRET, in her 70th year.

On the 20th inst., at Greenwich Hospital, Admiral Sir T. Masmumax Halm, Bart,. and K.C.G., in his 71st year.

On the 16th of June, at Cape Town. the Cape of Good Hope, lieutenant HENRY RORERT 2ENEAS Tnsvon, of the Bengal I Terse Artillery, in 1,1, Lech, t ear. Ott the 24th of May, at Barrackpare, near Calcutta, SIMON CLARKE i',RESLIN MILNER. of the lade Thomas Wheeler Milner, Esq., in his 2...111 tear.

On the 18th in4., at the Rectory, Trowbridge, the 1,1ely Mmte movn, Widow

of the late A w Berkeley Drummond, Esq., of Cadlet,d, Ilants:, in her 82.1 year. On the 19111 MA., at WrAwbh, Lientenant.Geneml Sir JOSEPH MACLEAN, C.IL, of the R•,yai Artillery, is his 74th year.