14 MAY 1831, Page 12


STOCK EXCRANGE, ratline E WE XING.-The Consul Market, which on Saturday last closed at 81a, opened at the same price on Monday; and by .00n on Tuesday, after many fluctuations, bad reached 83S. From that point, the price on Wednesday receded to 811, with a heavy Market. On Thursday, Sla was the lowest price; but the Market was always firm, and, becoming brisk towards the close of the day, touched 821. Toslay, the opening price was 8dif ; from which it fell to 82, but soon recovered, and closes at 82S S. On the whole, we may state the advance since this day week at two per cent; and for this advance the doctrinaires have, as usual, a great many reasons or causes. But although some of the imputed causes have had more or less to do with the immediate excitement, we are inclined to think that the rise must be mainly ascribed to the excess of sales made from time to time for many months back by the speculators for a fall, who, as commonly happens, have greatly overdone their work, and are now obliged to come to book under auspices more fa- vourable to the public, but greatly worse for themselves, than in February last, when the apprehensions of a Continental war were so much excited. In short, the rise of this week must be imputed to the buying in of Bear accounts, partly by the Bears themselves, and partly, it may be suspected, by the dealers or jobbers for their own security, in the event (a very probable one) of the said Bears, or some of them, being deficient in the important item of differences on the account-day. Stock for immediate transfer is still scarce, and is as dear as for transfer on the 20thJuly next. Exchequer Bills are a trifle higher than they were a day or two back; being then Gs. or Gs. premium, and now 7s. or Sr. In the Foreign Market there has been very little business, although prices have all of them risen with Consols. Brazilian, lately at 57, was even done on Monday at 62, but is now 601," and a very good price too." Russian, in spite of the Poles and the cholera, are at 924; and in the event of the final defeat of Diebitsch, they may therefore be expected to rise still further. When a war in Poland was nonoured, they were at 86. Spanish slumbering at Dij. The Share; dead, at nominal prices. SATURDAY, BALF-PAST TWELVE.-Consols opened this morning at 821, ad- vanced to 821, fell to 521, and are now 8211; but there is little or no business in either Market.

Bank Stock- 3 per Cent. Red. 811 3 per Cent. Cons. 821 3 2i per Cent. New 91 Consols for Acct. 89i Long Annuities 16 13-16 Ex. Bills, 10001. 7 8 India Bonds!.... - Brazilian.... .. 60 a

Buenos Ayres... - Milner' . 191 201 Colombian. • 14 15

Danish."... 61a I Greek......... - Mexican .... Sala 37 Peruvian ....... 13 14 Porttiguese ..... 40 46 Russian........ 921 93 Spanish.. ..... 161,

Ditto, New


Bolanos Brazilian . 52 54 Colrimbian . -

AngloMexican -

United Mexican 9 10