11 NOVEMBER 1905, Page 3

Coming to the Alliance itself, Lord Lansdowne heartily eulogised the

sincerity and straightforwardness of Japanese diplomacy. " Whether in the field of diplomacy or war, we have gained an ally at whose side we may be proud to find ourselves." The Alliance was deservedly popular, because its objects were honourable and pacific. There were no secret clauses in it ; and in guaranteeing the integrity of China and the "open door" it assured the realisation of a policy which had again and again been affirmed by all the Powers interested in the affairs of the Par East. Lord Lansdowne spoke of the good understanding with France in precisely the same spirit as Sir Edward Grey, and on the part of the Government strongly repudiated the assumption that because there had been an approximation between Britain and two great and friendly Powers there must necessarily be an estrangement between ourselves and any other Power or Powers.