8 MARCH 1851, page 4

Hntrn Nuh1sturrthfgri It Vartinnatut Principal Husinevo...

HIE OF tax63. .3foneity, March 3. Iiinisterial Restoration ; Explanations by Lord Lansdowne—Papal Ag'grossion ; Opinions of Lord Brougham and other Peers, Ttiesday, March 4.......

T 4 T C Our T.

TIIE Queen held her second levee of the season, at Buckingham Palace, on Thursday. Her Majesty was dressed in deep mourning for the Prin- cess Elize Hohenlohe Langenbourg ;......

'ht Alarming.

Irregular indications of policy have been made by the heads of both the two great Parliamentary parties,—by Lord John Russell to a sum- moned meeting of three hundred of his......