[sir: It Is Carlton Television's Most Impres-...]
[ Sir: It is (arnton Tclcvision s most imprcs- s sive aichicvcnicnt that the very mention of its namc. during a television conference in Edinburgh, induced one of the last......
[sir: Carlton Television's Chairman, Mr...]
LE TTERS Sharpe practice Sir: Carlton Tclcvision's chairman, Mr NMichael Green (Letters. I June). does not care at all for James Dclingpole's review of Shaipe (Tclcvision. 18......
[sir: I Am Amazed At The Breathtaking Arro-...]
Sir: I ani amiazcd at the breathtaking arro- gance of the reasons advanced by Mr Michael Green ftr his protest at a critical rcvicw hy Mr Delinngpolc of Carlton's film Shaqw7'.......
Institutional Cynicism
Institutional cynicism Sir: James Hanson's piece 'The age of cynicism' (18 May) confirmed oncc again that our corporate and political leaders arc victims of a wilful blindness......