8 DECEMBER 1990, page 25



Defective Farce

Defective farce A POPULAR veteran turned up this week in the rest-home for old jokes which serves the Financial Times for a diary column. This was the one about the misprint......

Dry Dock

Dry dock POOR Tobacco Dock looks more like Tobacco Road. This is the great new fun shopping centre downstream from the Tower of London, complete with its own pirate ship. Three......

[popular Bran-tub?]

CITY AND SUBURBAN _ I= = Do not pass Go - it's one vote, one prize from the electric bran-tub CHRISTOPHER FILDES IPopular bran-tub? One vote, one prize? We do have a daft idea......

Peter The Third

Peter the Third I MEAN nothing personal when I say that the great City families reproduce like jellyfish - that is, by fission. Rival Rothschild cousins (Jacob's peerage trumps......