7 SEPTEMBER 1945, page 12

Letters To The Editor

PERIL IN PALESTINE SIR,—Brigadier Longrigg's article in your issue of August 31st gives, by means of selection and omission, a distorted view of the Palestine problem as well as......

France And Britain

MONSIEUR LE DIRECTEUR,—Daps une lettre publiee par Le Spectator le 31 aout, le capitaine David S. J. Alexander se plaint que les Francais n'aient pas " yet realised that the......

Sir,—if Anything Is Likely To Contribute To A State Of

" peril in Palestine," it is an alarmist article like that of Brigadier Longrigg, with its exaggera- tions and misrepresentations. He alleges that " for twenty-five years the......

Rhodes Scholars

Sm,—Janus's recent paragraph about the revival of Rhodes Scholarships may possibly give rise to some misunderstanding. As soon as the European war ended the Rhodes Trustees made......