7 SEPTEMBER 1839, page 2


Sir F. Roc has resigned his situation as Chief Magistrate of Bow Street ; and Mr. Hall, of llatton Garden Office, who officiated for many years at Liverpool, has been appointed......

Through The Kindness Of A Friend, We Are Supplied With

some in- teresting information concerning Sweden; a country whose affairs attract little attention in England at present, but which on the death of its present sovereign will......

On Saturday, A Commission Of Lunacy Was Opened At The

Sheriffs Court, Red Lion Square, to ascertain the state of mind of Mr. Richard Estcourt Cresswell, of Pinckney Park, in Wiltshire. This gentleman had been arrested for debt in......

The Latest Accounts From America Were Brought To...

Welnesday, by the Virginian, which left New York on the 14th of August. The commercial and monetary difficulties of the United States were still considerable ; business was......

Gbe Court.

TIRE Queen takes rides and walks in the neighbourhood of Windsor Castle, when the weather is tolerably fair ; but the rain and clouded sky have compelled her Majesty to remain......