The Queen has received from the Senate and people of Hamburg a letter acknowledging her Majesty's bounty, and the liberality of the English nation, in contributions after the......
Bologna Letters Of The 27th September Mention That The...
of the Greek insurrection had caused some excitement ; especially as it said that the insurrection at Athens had extended to some of the Greek provinces still under the dominion......
The Theatres.
THE theatrical Winter season has commenced with unusual quietude. The new lessees of the great houses had prudently refrained from raising expectation or appealing for support......
The Paris Correspondent Of The Standard Says, It Is Strongly
suspected that Mr. O'Connell, in talking about an Irish brigade for Henry the Fifth, has let the cat out of the bag ; for the National of Thursday publishes a printed paper,......
SATURDAY NIGHT. The Parliamentary contest in the City appears to be thus far a tame affair. The addresses which have been issued by the two candidates, Mr. Pattison and Mr.......
The Cologne Gazette States That The German Customs Union...
fixed the duty on raw English iron, after the 1st January, at 16 Saxon groschen (about la. 6fd.) the quintal......
The Correspondent Of The Times, Mentioning Some Recent...
Swansea, of no great individual importance, says of the Queen's proclamation, now posted throughout that neighbourhood, that "the prevailing opinion is that it will be perfectly......
The Health Of Earl Grey During The Last Few Days
has rallied, and somewhat relieved the anxiety of his Lordship's family and numerous friends.—Northern Times. Letters have been received from Mr. Macready, announcing his safe......
In A Convocation Held At Oxford Yesterday, Dr. Vv -...
the nomination of the Duke of Wellington as Chancellor, (communicated by letter,) was unanimously reelected Vice-Chancellor of the University for the ensiling year.......
Another Minister Bath Spoken On Agriculture,—lord...
dinner of the Liverpool Agricultural Society, on Thursday; and the Times heads its report " Lord Stanley on Farming." ." What saith he about tenures 1' asks the reader, eagerly......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. We have again to notice a considerable fall in the prices of the Public Securities ; which commenced on Tuesday morning with the sale of......