Penitentiary System And Prison-discipline.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sin—It is with inexpressible pleasure that I have observed the Government aroused to a sense of their duty and at last to a sense of justice ;......
An Unanswerable Argument For Repeal.
AT a Repeal dinner at Carrick-on-Suir, the health of the Marquis of WATER - map was toasted. Mr. O ' CON NELL rose to return thanks, " It was a singular thing to find him, who......
A Puzzle.
T II E MRCS is a Conservative journal. On Thursday the 7'iniers demonstrated, to its own satisfaction, that the necessary tendency of the Municipal Reform Bill is to throw power......
The Enthusiasm For Captain Reynolds.
IT is a trite remark, that men who can with great sagacity censure folly in others, can the next moment go and with the gravest face commit the same folly. When the......
Topics Of The Day.
MOVEMENT IN FAVOUR OF PEACE IN THE MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS. TIIE country is at last beginning to speak out on the subject of the hostilities in which we are involved on the......