7 MARCH 1931, page 41

Tumult In The North. By George Preedy. (john Lane. 7s.

6d.)—A rattling story of the days of the Old Pretender by the most successful historical novelist of our generation. Heartily recommended to boys of all ages—from seventeen to......

New Novels

THE ERL KING. By Edwin Granberry. (Constable' 7s. 6d.)—Mr. Granberry has several of the novelist's virtues, notably sincerity and feeling : but his story of the' Florida' coast......

Come Julia. By Helen Granville Barker. (sidgwick And...

6d.)—A story of distinction by a novelist who, more intent upon inner than outer drama, justifies her choice by humour," sympathy, and a precise observa- tion of human......

Market Town. By Ena Limebeer. (cape. 7s. 6d.)— The Town

is in Hampshire and is peopled principally by Pecksniffs and congenital idiots. Well-written, but surely libellous.......

Archy And Mehitabel. By Don Marquis. (berm. 8s. 6d.)—what A

magnificent couple ! An alley cat who in spite of everything is " always the lady ' and an aggrieved cockroach with a gift for typing. A delicious example of dry and ribald......

Dead Man's Shadow. By Basil Carey. (constable. 7s....

of two stout sailing ships in the South Seas, a murder, a beautiful girl and stolen jewels make an exciting yarn for juvenile grown-ups.......

Each Stands Alone. By Arthur Wellings. (dent, 7s. 6d.)—an...

mechanical and telegraphic record of a girl clerk's emotions in office, suburbia and love. A " Strange Interlude " in Wimbledon.......

In The Paisley Shawl (collins, 7s. 6d.) Mr. Frederick Niven

is on his second speed. He tries us rather hard in extracting a tinkle or two out of the eternal triangle.......

The Trail Of The Black King. By Anthony Arm- Strong.

(Methuen. 7s. 6d.)—Tracking down a black- mailer becomes quite a jolly affair with sleuths like Jimmy Lezaire and his irrepressible assistant. Good fun and innocuous excitement.......


Value for Money Ships In The Bay ! By D. K. Broster. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.) Two novels of individual excellence, one by a practised hand, the other by a newcomer ; a swinging......

The Dog And Duck Mystery. By Hogan Bogue. (jarrolds. 7s.

6d.)—" A cheerful murder story," says the author. A normal specimen of modern, machine- made melodrama for the million. Here's to more and merrier murders !......

Conscience. By Aceituna Griffin. (murray. 7s. 6d.)--...

above all snobs are poor soil for the development of the tragic psychological implications of a concealed murder. Smoothly written, however, and holds the interest.......

Tatiana. By H. 0. S. Wright. (shaylor. 7s. 6d.)—a Russian

girl comes unscathed through the worst horrors of the revolution to wed a Labour M.P. A brisk, brutal and super-sensational yarn.......

Governor Hardy. By Hamish Blair. (blackwood. 75. 6a.)—a...

fortunately incredible, story of India thirty years hence. Governor Hardy trium- phantly sweeps away politicians, lawyers and Bolsheviks, and restores the iron hand. Soothing......