Shortly Before His Death, Professor Nicholson Made Poetic...
these hundred or more short passages from the works of Jalalu'l- Din-Rumi, the thirteenth-century Persian who has the reputation of being one of the world's great poets. They......
Shorter Notices
MISS WATERHOUSE'S introduction is informative in the best sense, and would serve as a suitable short initiation into the joys of reading Anglo-Saxon literature. It is vitiated......
C4 Cardinal Of England 97
THE historian Fronde, who had no use for Pole, declared that " between us and the old English there lies a gulf of mystery. . . . They cannot come to us, and our imagination can......
New Novels
I HAVE long thought Phyllis Bottome one of the most competent and readable of that large body of competent and readable women writers we are fortunate to possess in England,......