7 JULY 1923, page 28


Edmund Loder. A Memoir by Sir A. E. Pease, Bt. (J. Murray. 18s. net.) When a man has always avoided publicity it is doubtful whether his biography will be widely read, but here......

The Empire.

Under Commander Locker-Lampson's editorship this old monthly is showing new life. Mr. Churchill, in the opening article, defends his policy in Mesopotamia, and warns the new......

The June Number, Our Notice Of Which Has Been Accidentally

delayed, contains a lucid exposition of "The Imperial Pro- blem " which is in effect an earnest plea for the maintenance of the unity of the Empire. "What the world needs now is......

The Adelphi.

The most interesting featere of the second number is the first instalment of Katherine Mansfield's journal. It displays what to many of her readers will be an unsuspected side......

Timothy Hackworth And The Locomotive. By Robert Young....

Publishing Co., Ltd. 21s. net.) Timothy Hackworth and the Locomotive. By Robert Young. (The Locomotive Publishing Co., Ltd. 21s. net.) The first locomotive that ran......

The National.

The Duke of Northumberland prints his address, delivered at the London School of Economics last month, on the question : "Will the ape and tiger ever die ? " His purpose was to......


Sir Hugh_ Clifford concludes this month his remarkable paper on "Murder and Magic" in Nigeria, which throws light on the inscrutable workings of the native mind. The excessive......

Applied Science.

Heredity in Poultry. By Professor R. C. Punnett, F.R.S. (Macmillan. 10s. net.) Heredity in Poultry. By Professor R. C. Punnett, F.R.S. (Macmillan. 10s. net.) Professor Punnett......

The Oxford Hungarian Review.

This is pro-Magyar propaganda, but it is uncommonly well done. Admiral Lord Mark Kerr, Mr. Julian Huxley and Mr. Teeling contribute articles on the merits and the sufferings of......