Specialty Surveyed Roads In Scotland, By G. Rowland...
Philip and Son), is a vade mecunt for cyclists, which it would scarcely be too much to docc.iba as indispensable. The pedestrian generally is happiest when he is not on a road ;......
Strange Crimes. By William Westall. (ward And Downey.)—...
has used his title in a very vague sense. There is generally something strange in connection with the crimes he relates, either as to their incidents, or their motives, or their......
The Magazines.
OF the many articles that appear in this month's magazines on the subject of the late Cardinal Newman, certainly the most interesting is that contributed to the Contemporary......
Current Literature.
Notes on American Schools and Colleges. By J. G. Fitch. (Mac- millan and Co.)—Mr. Fitch, who knows as much as any man about elementary education in England, made a tour of......