Lawin Belgravia.
" LAWLESSNESS of Belgravia" would more aptly designate the sad state of abandonment which has recently overtaken this choice portion of her Majesty's Metropolitan dominions. It......
Strange Case Of Pauperism.
THOUGH the following tale, current this week in the newspapers, is a striking one of its kind, it is not unprecedented- " Mr. Brooks, a fruiterer, residing in the Edgevvare......
The Water Question: Supply.
How much water London needs for public and private uses, and in what manner the requisite quantity ought to be distributed, are questions to he determined solely with reference......
The Church's Mission.
TO THE EDITOR OF TI1E SPECTATOR. Monday, 1st October 1849. SIR—An article on the "New Bishop," in your last number, contains some statements of which Churchmen, I think, have......